
After your home delivery, one of the first things you might do is begin breastfeeding. If you’re going to breastfeed your child, it’s natural for you to want to make sure you get it right. Below are a few questions about breastfeeding that you probably have.

4 Common Questions About Breastfeeding

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding your baby provides benefits for both of you. It strengthens the mother-child bond, and the milk contains key anti-bodies and properties that fight illnesses in infants like SIDS, leukemia, respiratory infections, and skin conditions. For you, it will also reduce the chance of postpartum bleeding, breast and ovarian cancers, and will help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight faster.

What if my baby doesn’t latch right away?

home deliveryYour baby has a natural instinct to latch, which is stronger in the first hour of his or her life. If they don’t latch right away, try adjusting their position. Their ear, shoulder, and hip should be properly aligned for easy swallowing. Gently rubbing your nipple along their top lip may also coax them to open their mouth wide, showing that they’re ready to latch. If you’re still struggling and you or the baby are getting upset, your midwife or other home delivery support can help.

How long should I breastfeed?

The CDC recommends breastfeeding your child for at least a year, and you can start introducing complementary foods at the age of 6 months. Breastfeeding this long maximizes the health benefits provided to mother and child. The longer you breastfeed, the more significant the benefits to you both.

How often do I pump milk?

On average, you should pump as often as your child breastfeeds, around every 2½ hours. Pumping this often prevents your breasts from becoming uncomfortably full. You can also save a supply for times you’ll be away from your baby. Every woman’s body differs, so if 2-3 hours is too much or too little, you can adjust accordingly.


When you have a home delivery with Home Birth With Love in Suffern, NY, you’ll have access to a certified nurse midwife who will support you through your breastfeeding experience. Their natural birth support services include prenatal, postpartum, and newborn care options. They have over 17 years of helping mothers experience beautiful natural births and provide a variety of options, including water birth, home delivery, and planned hospital birth or backup. Learn more about their care options online, and call (845) 641-5058 to arrange services today.
