
When homeowners notice signs of a bed bug infestation, such as rusty stains on bedsheets, live bugs, and dark spots on mattresses, calling a residential pest control expert right away for removal is a top priority. In addition to eradicating these bugs and cleaning your living spaces, think about your overall health and wellness after sustaining bites. Here’s what you should know about how bed bug bites impact your health, so you know when to consult a doctor. 

Understanding the Dangers & Effects of Bed Bug Bites

How Do Bed Bug Bites Impact Your Health?

While bed bugs are not knowBed Bugsn to transmit diseases, bites can result in general irritation. On the mild side, bed bug bites can cause inflammation and raised red bumps accompanied by a burning or itching sensation.

Individuals who are allergic to bed bugs can experience extreme symptoms, including fever, blistering skin, difficulty breathing, swollen tongue, and irregular heartbeat. Due to the variance in how these bites impact overall health, pest control experts recommend visiting a primary care physician to evaluate them. 

Are There Long-Term Side Effects to Getting Bit?

Individuals who are unaware of a bed bug infestation or who have delayed calling an exterminator are likely to experience additional health complications. The itchiness of the bites can lead to on-going scratching that increases your risk of infection.

The stress of bed bugs and their nocturnal feeding schedule can also trigger stress regarding bedtime and difficulty falling asleep. Eventually, this can negatively impact your mental health, leading to depression, general fatigue, or on-going anxiety.

How Can You Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

The best way to get rid of bed bugs and significantly decrease the risk of bites in the future is to hire a professional pest control company. Electric heat treatment can successfully kill live bugs and their eggs so you can sleep soundly. 


Are you looking for an experienced pest control company that offers fast, effective electric heat bed bug treatment? If so, Free Bee Pest Control is the right exterminator for the job. This licensed and certified business of pest control pros provides immediate service to residents throughout the Greater Dayton area. To schedule a free estimate, call (937) 242-6170. For more information on their approach to eliminating bed bugs and other unwanted pests, visit their website
