
When a headache strikes, sufferers may wonder if it’s a migraine or something else, depending on the severity. Knowing the difference can help you achieve effective headache relief and prevent future pain. Here’s how to tell whether you have a migraine or not.

What Is a Migraine?

A migraine is a nervous system response that produces severe, throbbing pain, usually focused on one side of the head. Migraines can also cause nausea, numbness, visual disturbances, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Multiple symptoms may be present and strike in unpredictable combinations. They can last for a few hours or span several days.

Migraines occur when the sympathetic nervous system is triggered, rapidly elevating blood pressure and inducing blood vessels to constrict. Causes include prolonged stress, sleep deprivation, and hormonal changes. Artificial sweeteners, processed products high in nitrates, cheeses, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine are also potential triggers.

Whatever the cause, migraines are surprisingly common. Studies show they can affect 10% of men and 20% of women in a three-month period. Headache relief often comes in the form of relaxation and manipulation techniques, over-the-counter pain relievers, and prescribed medications. People prone to migraines should also get sufficient sleep, avoid stress, and eat well.

What Is a Nonmigraine Headache?

headache reliefWhen testing and observation determine that headache pain isn’t migrainous, your doctor may diagnose another type of headache. The most common nonmigraine headache is a tension headache. It’s characterized by low-grade pain or pressure at the temples, forehead, or back of the neck. True to its name, stress can trigger it, but mild pain relievers, relaxation, and manual manipulation usually deliver fast relief.

Sinus headaches caused by inflammation or infection of small cavities across the upper face are also common. Cluster headaches can be almost as intense as migraines, but they occur in groups and feature severe pain localized around the eyes. You can also get a nonmigraine headache from injury, overexertion, dehydration, alcohol, and caffeine.


If you’re suffering from migraines or other headache pain, effective headache relief can get you back to enjoying life. The first step is consulting trusted pain-management professionals. The experts at Team Health Chiropractic in St Louis, MO, offer exceptional chiropractic therapy to alleviate pain from migraines, injuries, sciatica, herniated discs, and more. Call (314) 567-9990 to schedule a personalized assessment, or visit them online to learn more.
