
In the U.S., factory farms are the leading suppliers of meat and other animal products. However, a lack of proper water management in any farm can lead to a host of serious health and environmental problems. This makes expert analysis and effective water treatment options a must to protect everyone from water pollution and diseases.

What Illnesses Can Originate From Factory Farms?

Factory farms with insufficient water management equipment will release huge quantities of animal waste and contaminated liquids into the environment. These may then pollute community water systems. 

Pathogens such as E. coli, cryptosporidium, MRSA, and salmonella can compromise the health of community residents. These can cause an extensive range of symptoms, including UTI, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and various types of infections. In extreme cases, especially if the strains are particularly virulent, these illnesses can lead to death.

Why Is Water Analysis Critical?

Manure runoff can hurt the environment and cause human health crises. Even aquatic life is not spared from its repercussions, especially when excessive algae growth begins affecting nearby water bodies. Once the runoff reaches rural homes, residents are likely to fall ill from the contaminated water. 

With regular water analysis, industry experts will be able to diagnose issues in a factory farm's system and recommend the best water management solutions. These farms can then ensure that their operations continue to keep up with regulatory requirements and safety measures. 

How Is the Water Treated?

water managementOne filtration method involves the use of soil, gravel, or sand to strain pathogens from the water. Another is a chemical feed system that uses chemicals to treat bacteria and other contaminants. Alternatively, reverse osmosis can be used to let pure water pass through a semi-permeable, thin membrane while hindering the progress of impurities, including harmful bacteria.


Water treatment and management is an integral part of efficiently running factory farms. With more than 30 years of experience, Western Environmental Management in Carlsbad, NM, provides expert industrial water analysis and water management solutions. They offer state-of-the-art technologies and products, such as reverse osmosis units, water softeners, and demineralizers, as well as water pumps and water boilers. Visit their website to learn more about their products and services. Call them at (575) 885-5709 with questions.
