
Flat roofs give businesses a unique and modern appearance. However, since flat roofs don’t always drain properly and tend to accumulate debris, there are a few extra steps you should take to keep your commercial property in good shape. Here are three ways to maintain your flat roof. 

Taking Care of a Flat Roof

1. Maintain Nearby Landscaping

Trees can drop leaves and branches onto your roof, while also giving small animals, like squirrels, an easy place to live. To keep your flat roof clean and safe, have your landscaping carefully maintained. Have your trees professionally trimmed regularly and cut down any overgrown climbing plants, like ivy and honeysuckle. 

2. Remove Accumulated Debris 

flat roofHave your maintenance team check your roof regularly for accumulated debris, like dead leaves and branches. Have them sweep the surface and spray the area to remove grime. Ask them to take note of where water tends to pool so they can report the issue to professional roofing contractors. If possible, have them remove standing water with a wet/dry vacuum. 

3. Check for Damage

Have your maintenance team check the area carefully for any signs of damage. Have them look for any dents, punctures, or signs of rust accumulation. If they notice any problems, ask them to take a few pictures of the damage for roofing contractors. In addition to conducting their own inspection, roofers also know how to correct issues quickly and efficiently, protecting your business. 


Remember, if you notice issues with your flat roof, it is important to address problems right away by working with Minnesota Roofing Company in Saint Paul. With more than 20 years’ worth of combined experience, this roofing team is committed to helping with everything from roofing and siding to windows, doors, and deck building. Explore their website to find out more ways to help, or give their office a call at (952) 451-1978.
