
There’s nothing like looking in a mirror and feeling confident about the face staring back at you. Without a winning smile, however, your confidence may wane. Luckily, veneers not only beautify your smile but also produce other benefits as well. To learn more about this cosmetic dentistry solution, consider the guide below.

3 Benefits of Veneers

1. Natural-Looking Results

Unlike dentures, veneers are customized tooth-by-tooth to look like healthy and clean versions of your original teeth. Your teeth will look like your teeth—just straightened, whitened, and without any chips or cracks. Your smile will look natural and beautiful when greeting friends and family, not like a one-size-fits-all cosmetic solution.

2. Low-Maintenance Smile

veneersAlthough they look incredibly true to life, veneers eliminate one of the most frustrating aspects of natural teeth—their tendency to stain. The engineered materials in veneers resist discoloration from highly pigmented foods and beverages whether berries or coffee. Although you’ll need to take care of your veneers by brushing and flossing, whitening treatments won’t be necessary.

3. Avoid Braces

For patients with misaligned teeth, braces may be the traditional treatment for correcting smiles. However, most adults dread the thought of wearing braces. With veneers, dentists create the appearance of a straight smile as they place each veneer. You won’t have to spend months fretting over orthodontics. Although clear aligners aren’t as apparent as standard metallic-wire braces, they can change the way you speak—a problem which veneers don’t cause.


If you’re interested in getting veneers to enhance your smile, reach out to Pfeiffer Family Dentistry of Fort Thomas, KY. For over 35 years, they’ve been helping patients with general and cosmetic dentistry services. Whether you need an urgent root canal or would like to have your smile whitened, call (859) 441-1900 today to schedule an appointment. You can also visit the website to learn more about this practice.
