
October is breast cancer awareness month. If you’re a woman age 40 or older, getting annual mammograms at a women’s health center could save your life. If you’ve never had one done before, you may have many questions about this type of exam. Below, you’ll find more information about what mammograms are and why they’re so important. 

What Are Mammograms?

A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast used to detect signs of breast cancer. Mammograms are usually completed at a women’s health center.

During your appointment, each breast is pressed between two plates to take two X-rays per breast, one from top to bottom and one from side to side. The procedure only lasts a few seconds. Once you complete it, you’ll typically receive your results within two weeks.

Why Are Regular Mammograms Important?

women's health centerThis allows your doctor to detect breast cancer at its early stages, potentially up to three years before the tumors can be felt. This way, you can begin treatment before the disease has a chance to spread. In fact, early detection has allowed many women to have the cancer removed without undergoing more invasive treatments such as breast removal (mastectomy). Studies also show that regular mammograms can help reduce the number of deaths among women ages 40 to 74.

Since genetics play a role in the development of cancer, some women assume they can safely skip screenings at a women’s health center if they lack a family history of the disease. However, over 75% of women with breast cancer have no family history of the illness.


If you’re due for a mammogram or want to set up a screening schedule, turn to Thameside ObGyn Centre in Groton, CT. The experienced team at this trusted women’s health center uses advanced techniques to provide compassionate, state-of-the-art care. They provide a wide variety of women’s health services, including menopause management and gynecology surgery. Explore their oncology services online, and call (860) 445-5107 to schedule an exam today. 
