
Skunks are commonly sighted in wooded neighborhoods, but you likely don’t want these critters living in your yard. They often dig up residential yards and spray domestic pets, so it’s best to call wildlife control if you suspect a skunk’s presence. Here are just some of the signs that a skunk is living on your property.

How Do You Know If a Skunk Is Living on Your Property?

1. Foul Odor

One of the main signs of a skunk infestation is the classic smell, which is similar to rotten eggs or sulfur. Skunks generally spray when they’re frightened, and the smell can linger in the air. While a skunk odor could mean the animal is just passing through your yard, call wildlife control if you smell it often. 

2. Cone-Shaped Holes

wildlife controlWhen skunks dig in your yard, they leave distinct holes in the soil. You may find these markings in your garden, where they dig for worms and roots. These holes are about five inches across. They usually appear circular from above, but you’ll notice a cone shape when you look inside.

3. Disturbed Soil

Skunks often make homes under porches, decks, and sheds. They’re burrowing animals, so you might notice disturbed soil next to the structure. Skunks may have their offspring living in the burrow as well. Take care not to disturb them, or they may become defensive and spray you.


If you’re concerned about skunks or other animals living in your yard, call the team at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services. Located in New Milford, CT, since 1971, this team of wildlife control experts handles animal removal in a humane way. You can also talk to them about prevention methods to keep wildlife away from your home in the future. Visit them online to view a full list of their services, or call (860) 355-1231 to make an appointment.
