
One of the best parts of Halloween for kids is bingeing on sugary candy after a long night of trick-or-treating. However, as a parent, you may not love the thought of what all that sugar can do to your children’s teeth. By choosing Halloween candy carefully and helping your kids practice proper dental care, you can help them avoid tooth decay and cavities caused by overindulgence in candy.

Which Candies Are the Best & Worst?

dental careThe first step to protecting your kids’ teeth during Halloween is to sort their Halloween candy before they eat it. Remove the most harmful types and leave them with treats that aren’t so damaging to their teeth. The worst offenders include sticky, gummy, hard, and sour candies. Sugary substances cause cavities by feeding acid-producing bacteria that are found in everyone’s mouth. Anything that may get stuck in the teeth or is meant to stay in the mouth for a long time gives the bacteria more time to work, worsening the damage. Safer alternatives include chocolate, which washes off the teeth easily, and any kind of sugar-free treat.

How Do You Care for Your Kids’ Teeth During Halloween?

Help minimize the damage done by sugary snacks during the holiday by encouraging your kids to practice proper dental care. Try to have them eat their treats at mealtimes—rather than spacing them throughout the day. When you eat, your mouth produces more saliva, which helps neutralize the acids the bacteria produce.

They should also drink plenty of water when they indulge in candy to help wash away leftover particles. Make sure that your children also complete their normal dental care routines in the morning and evening, including brushing and flossing.


Make your kids’ dental care a priority after Halloween by scheduling a teeth cleaning with Alaska Dentistry for Kids in Anchorage. This children’s dentist offers outstanding dental services in a comfortable setting that will keep your kids calm. Dr. Chris Coplin is dedicated to providing excellent dental care, while forming relationships with all of his patients. Schedule your children’s appointment today by calling (907) 274-2525, or learn more about the practice online.
