
Whether you are a couple seeking a divorce or separation or an individual wanting to establish paternity, these matters go through Texas family law court. The best way to find help for these issues is to schedule a legal consultation with an attorney. However, the following guide attempts to answer some of the most commonly asked questions.

What to Know About Texas Family Law

Does Texas recognize legal separation?

No. There is no legal process or court documentation if you and your spouse separate. Unless you file for divorce, your property interests and financial obligations continue as community property and community debt and stay that way until your divorce is final.    

How long does it take to get a divorce?

After filing for divorce in Texas, you must wait at least 60 days before a court issues a final decree. Finalizing a divorce typically takes six months or more. If couples cannot reach agreements or there are complex issues the court must decide, the process takes longer.   

legal consultationHow long does child support last?

Generally, child support obligations continue until the youngest child becomes 18 years old or graduates from high school. Courts may order support to continue beyond that time for children with special needs. When past-due support is owed, parents must pay it fully with interest even after the child becomes 18.    

How can I acknowledge my girlfriend’s baby is mine?

If you and your girlfriend agree you are the child’s genetic father, both of you can sign a legal document called an Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP). Once you sign an AOP and file it with the Texas Vital Statistics Unit, you are established as the legal father officially and have full parental rights and obligations.  


From his offices in Kerrville, TX, Corey C. Davis, CPA, Attorney at Law offers clients legal consultations about family law matters. As a seasoned tax law attorney and a Certified Public Accountant, he knows individuals, couples, and spouses need sound legal advice about the financial aspects of divorce, child support, parental responsibility, and estate planning. To find out more about the services this experienced attorney provides, visit his website now. Call his law firm at (830) 257-8800 to schedule a confidential legal consultation.
