
It’s normal for children’s breath to be less than fresh when they first wake up. If the smell persists even after they brush, though, parents should schedule a dentist appointment. Halitosis has a number of potential causes, and while some are little cause for concern, others require medical intervention. 

What Causes Bad Breath in Children?

If your child’s bad breath is accompanied by a stuffy nose or sore throat, a sinus infection could be to blame. When fluid collects in the nasal passages, it creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. Naturally, this bacteria can cause a foul odor that won't disappear with mere brushing and flossing.

Other common causes of bad breath in children include foreign objects that have gotten lodged in the nasal passage, swollen tonsils, dry mouth, poor dental hygiene, acid reflux, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia. 

When Do Children Need Treatment for Bad Breath?

dentistYou should make a dentist appointment for your child if the bad breath persists for more than a couple of days even after brushing and flossing diligently. Your family dentist will determine the underlying cause of the halitosis and then prescribe a treatment that targets the root of the issue. For example, they may perform a deep teeth cleaning, prescribe medication, or turn you to a general practitioner for problems stemming from health issues that are other than dental.

How Can Parents Prevent Bad Breath?

The most effective way to prevent halitosis in children is by teaching them proper oral hygiene habits. This includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day. Limiting sugary snacks and drinks will also contribute to a strong, healthy smile, as will maintaining a balanced diet in general and drinking water that contains fluoride. Scheduling annual wellness visits with the pediatrician and promptly treating any infections that develop between appointments will also prevent health issues that can lead to halitosis.


If your child has bad breath, turn to Comfort Center for Dentistry. Located in Kendall County, TX, this dental practice provides comprehensive care for the whole family. At the state-of-the-art facility, Dr. Kendra Wren performs preventive, restorative, and cosmetic procedures, leaving her patients with stunning smiles and healthy mouths. To make a dentist appointment for your son or daughter, visit call (830) 995-5047. Visit the website for more on their offerings.
