
Despite the mild Alabama winters, you still rely on your heating system to keep your home warm and cozy once temperatures begin to fall. It’s important to get your furnace ready for the winter so you don’t experience service interruptions or have to pay for expensive heating repairs. Use this helpful guide to have a healthy furnace all the way to spring. 

4 Ways to Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter

1. Change the Filter

Over time, your furnace filter collects dirt and debris that gradually block the flow of intake air. Your unit may struggle to operate efficiently, resulting in energy waste and higher monthly bills. Replacing or cleaning the filter will take some of the stress off your heating system. 

2. Test the Thermostat

heating repairsSet your thermostat to the heat function, dial the temperature up a few degrees, and monitor how it operates. If your furnace fails to start, runs continuously, or rapidly cycles, you might need a professional thermostat recalibration. It’s also possible that your unit isn’t the right size for your home, which may require a replacement for comfortable and efficient operation.

3. Clean the Burners 

Dirt and dust also tend to build up on furnace burners, which may diminish the quality of your indoor air and even cause fire hazards. As you clean the burners, make a note of any signs of corrosion or warping, as these may necessitate heating repairs. Many homeowners prefer to include this cleaning task in an annual furnace tuneup by a professional. 

4. Schedule Professional Maintenance 

In advance of the winter months, make an appointment for furnace maintenance with a professional contractor. They’ll inspect the wiring to rule out the possibility of fire hazards, clean every component for optimal performance, and install a CO2 detector to alert you when carbon monoxide levels become dangerous. 


Keep your furnace safe and fully functional throughout the cold months with heating repairs and maintenance from Service Air Eastern Shore, Inc. For over two decades, the company has provided HVAC troubleshooting, cleaning, and replacements to clients throughout Fairhope, AL. Call (251) 990-8060 to schedule an appointment for a seasonal tuneup. Visit them online to learn more about their home comfort services. 
