
Spring and summer are the ideal seasons for most home improvement projects, but some are better in the fall. For instance, the cool weather and low humidity make autumn the perfect time to replace your windows. Below are a few of the top reasons to schedule your window replacements before the Ohio winter hits.

3 Benefits of Replacing Windows in the Fall

1. Pleasant Weather

Window replacement projects essentially mean having huge gaps in your wall, at least until the new windows are installed. Replacing windows in the summer can make your house oppressively hot while working in the winter lets frigid air blast into your home. Fall, on the other hand, usually features cool, pleasant weather without the spring storms that can bring work to a halt and force water into your walls.

2. Better Energy Efficiency

window replacementBy some estimates, heat loss through inefficient windows accounts for 25-30% of home energy use. If your gas or electric bills have been prohibitively high, replacing your windows before winter starts can save hundreds of dollars. New, energy-efficient windows will also put a stop to the cold drafts that can make any home uncomfortable.

3. More Availability

Most home renovation companies are busiest in the spring or summer, but often have less to do in the fall. Even the best window replacement contractor in your area will likely be available later in the year. Not only can you hire your first choice of contractor in the fall, but you can also be confident that they won’t be distracted by other projects while working on your house.


If you’re planning a window replacement before winter, the experts at JFK Window & Door offer the best products on the market and the highest level of craftsmanship. They’ve been serving Cincinnati homeowners since 1990, building a reputation for delivering exceptional results and amazing quality on every job. Visit their website for an overview of their window replacement services, see news and reviews on their Twitter page, or call (513) 851-1000 to request an estimate today.
