
Every fall, homeowners throughout North Carolina shut off their AC to enjoy a few precious weeks of beautiful, cool weather. The winter chill is never far behind, though, so this is also the perfect time to make sure your furnace is ready for the colder temperatures ahead. Calling in a skilled HVAC contractor for a furnace tuneup will keep your system running efficiently and give you the chance to head off unnecessary breakdowns.

What to Expect During a Fall Furnace Tuneup

1. A Thorough Inspection of Your System

Before cleaning or making any adjustments, your HVAC contractor will carefully inspect every aspect of your heating system, from the furnace to the air vents. The results of this evaluation will help them decide which areas need the most attention.

2. Careful Cleaning

Over time, dust and debris collect in your furnace, especially when it hasn’t been used in a few months. Cleaning the burners and combustion chamber helps maximize your energy efficiency and reduces your winter heating costs. As an added bonus, it also cuts down on unnecessary wear and tear, helping you get the most out of your furnace.

3. Replacing the Filter

hvac contractorThe air filter is an essential part of your heating system, keeping dust, pollen, and animal hair out of your furnace. Replacing the filter before turning on your furnace for the first time maximizes airflow and takes some of the pressure off your HVAC system.

4. Adjusting the Pressure & Pilot Light

If your furnace runs on natural gas, the technician will check the lines for leaks and make any necessary adjustments. Optimizing the gas pressure and pilot light intensity also improves the efficiency of your system and prevents further problems down the road.

5. Lubricating the Parts

Furnaces, air handlers, and fans all have moving parts, and these need regular lubrication to operate effectively. Your HVAC contractor will check the motors, lubricate any parts, and look for signs of damage that need to be addressed.


With over 20 years of experience and a longstanding reputation for providing the best customer care possible, Signature Heating, Cooling, & Construction Corp. is the HVAC contractor of choice for homeowners throughout Trinity, Greensboro, and Jamestown, NC. They proudly provide routine maintenance, expert repairs, and the best equipment on the market with a dedication to keeping your home comfortable throughout the winter. Visit their website for more on their wide range of heating services or call (336) 431-0380 to schedule your furnace tuneup today.
