
A bright smile can transform a person's appearance and instantly boost mood and confidence. But a smile needs regular care to maintain its health and sparkle. Minimizing your intake of damaging foods and drinks is also necessary. Here’s what you should know about three beverages and foods that dentists recognize as detrimental to oral health.

A Guide to the Worst Foods & Drinks for Teeth

1. Soda

It's no secret that sugar is destructive to teeth. Soda is laden with lots of this sweet stuff. Because soda is also syrupy and sticky, it’s especially damaging. It adheres to the surfaces of the teeth and is harder for saliva to rinse away than non-syrupy beverages.

Sugar interacts with bacteria in the mouth to create acids that attack teeth and cause decay. Also, when you consider the coloring of certain sodas—like grape- and orange-flavored drinks—you've got a recipe for significant staining. Both medical doctors and dentists often recommend limiting or avoiding soda consumption.

2. Gummy Candies

dentistsGummy candies are even stickier than soda. They have the added disadvantage of getting lodged in tight spaces between teeth and along the gumline. The longer these sugar-loaded candies stick to your teeth, the greater the opportunity for decay.

Dried fruit is damaging for similar reasons. The sugar in fruit is still sugar, and bacteria don’t know the difference. Dentists advise brushing and flossing after eating gummies, toffees, licorices, taffies, and dried fruits.

3. Vinegary Foods

Fans of pickles, salad dressings, and salsas may want to limit their contact with vinegar. It’s exceptionally acidic. As a consequence, vinegary foods have the potential to destroy tooth enamel. Enamel is the outermost protective layer of the tooth. Once it wears away, it can’t be replaced. When the yellowish dentin layer underneath enamel is exposed, teeth are more susceptible to temperature sensitivity and may ache when you eat or drink. Be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after eating vinegar-rich foods.


Visit your dentist regularly to maintain the health and brightness of your teeth. Mark Adler, DDS, in Northfield, OH, has more than 30 years of experience serving patients throughout Summit County. He offers a wide range of cosmetic and general dentistry services, including oral exams, cleaning, extractions, fillings, and crowns. Call (330) 468-3511 to make an appointment, or visit his website to learn more about his practice.
