
A sound roof keeps your family safe and comfortable, no matter the weather. However, certain factors can threaten the structure. The following are some of the most common causes of roof damage and how a roofing company can help you avoid these issues.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Roof Damage?

1. Weather

The weather is impossible to control, but sun, wind, ice, and snow can cause damage to your roof. During the warmest days of the year,the hot sun can cause asphalt shingles to fade and deteriorate. Wind can rip shingles off of the roof, and ice can cause cracks in the roof’s surface and gutters. Heavy snow can cause your roof to cave in if not addressed. Whenever you experience any severe weather, call a roofing company for inspection and repair.

2. Tree Branches

If tree branches grow too close to your roof, they can potentially scratch the surface of the roof and damage the shingles. Falling leaves can accumulate on shingles and in the gutters, causing mold and mildew to develop. Heavy branches may fall onto your roof during storms, as well. So, keep your trees branches properly trimmed, and call a roofing company to remove any fallen branches.

3. Poor Maintenance

roofing-company-hartford-alCracks, leaks, and missing shingles often occur due to homeowner neglect. If you fail to maintain your roof, it’s inevitable that small issues will add up over time. Call a roofing company for regular inspections. You should also address small problems, like minor leaks, as they can become severe and cause interior home damage.

4. Faulty Installation

Some homeowners will experience issues like sagging gutters and roof leaks due to poor installation. This might occur if you hired an inexperienced contractor to install a new roof. However, you can call a reputable roofing professional to repair the issues or provide a new installation. They will inspect the installation job and recommend ways to remedy the issues.


No matter the cause of your roof damage, the team at Custom Roofing and Construction in Hartford, AL, can help. This roofing company has 23 years of experience with installation, repairs, and maintenance. They offer a 10-year warranty on all of their installations, so you can trust the integrity of their work. Whether you are experiencing a leak after a storm or need an inspection, these professionals can provide a prompt estimate and work within your insurance coverage. Call (334) 790-4418 to schedule your estimate.
