
Many homeowners choose carpet flooring because of its plush and soft feel that cushions their every step. Proper maintenance, including regularly scheduling a professional cleaning service, is necessary to preserve the quality of your carpet, so you can enjoy it for a long time. If you need to clean your carpet in between professional maintenance services, avoid the products below.

What Products Should You Never Use for Carpet Cleaning?

1. Bleach

Some homeowners reach for the bleach when trying to remove carpet stains. However, bleach can strip off your carpet's colors. Especially with dark-colored rugs, bleach can potentially leave light patches that ruin the look of your entire flooring. Instead of bleach, use a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water to clean out a stain. 

2. Laundry Detergent

cleaning serviceSome people assume that laundry detergents can clean carpets just as effectively as these can with clothes. Unfortunately, laundry detergents leave too much soap residue on the carpet fibers and padding, eventually attracting more dirt and grime. 

If you want to use a detergent to clean your carpet, mix one-quarter teaspoon of a translucent dishwashing liquid with a cup of lukewarm water. Dip a rag into this solution and dab it softly on the carpet stain.  

3. Abrasive Cleaners

Abrasive cleaners physically rub off grime and dirt through friction. The harder you rub, the more it scratches off the filth. However, this can be too harsh and damaging to your carpet. Never use plastic mesh pads, steel wool, or nylon-coated sponges on your carpet flooring. 


Maintain the softness and quality of your carpet by regularly scheduling a professional cleaning service with VesCo Residential Cleaning in Mainville, OH. With over 10 years of experience, the leading cleaning company has been providing Cincinnati residents with housekeeping and maid services, home and garage cleaning, and construction cleanup. Call (513) 683-8888 for a free phone estimate, or visit their website to view their broad range of cleaning services.
