
Adding veneers to your teeth is one of the most versatile dental treatments available today. These are thin masks of porcelain that cover the front side of each tooth. They look like dental enamel, and your dentist can use them to create a completely new, ideal smile for you. Like any dental procedure, however, they do require a little TLC. If you're considering veneers, here's what you should know about caring for them.

Daily Care

Your veneers can't get cavities. However, the other teeth around them and those supporting them are still susceptible, so you need to brush and floss regularly just as you did before. Brush twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste, then floss once a day, pulling the floss tightly against each tooth in a C shape and cleaning both sides of every gap between your teeth.

Biting & Chewing

VeneersYour veneers are tough, maybe even tougher than dental enamel. However, porcelain is still breakable. You can't bite or chew on anything too hard, such as the shells of nuts.

You should also avoid opening packaging and performing other tasks with your teeth. Pulling the teeth or pushing them at an unusual angle can weaken them and may even result in detachment of the veneer.

Avoiding Stains

Although porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, they'll eventually look discolored if you eat the wrong things too often. The worst culprits are tomato sauce, curry, soda, tea, coffee, and wine. Each of these foods and drinks contains strong natural or artificial colors or compounds, such as tannins, that stain. The more often you eat them and the longer they stay on your teeth, the worse they'll stain, so choose these foods and beverages only in moderation and brush your teeth as soon as you can.


If you need veneers or another cosmetic dentistry treatment, contact Elberta Dental in Baldwin County, AL. They've provided compassionate service for patients throughout the area for over 25 years. To make treatment more accessible for a wider range of people, they offer Saturday appointments and early-morning time slots. To schedule a time that’s convenient for you, call (251) 986-3500. Learn more about their services online.
