
In addition to making your vehicle look sleek and sophisticated, window tinting also serves a variety of practical purposes. Before investing in glass coatings for your windows, you probably want to know more about them. Here are four frequently asked questions about window tinting for automobiles.

4 FAQ About Car Window Tinting 

What does installation entail?

Cleaning to remove dirt and debris from your windows is the first step in the tinting process. Next, your professional team will custom-cut films to fit your windows before spraying them with a solution to activate their adhesive properties. Finally, they’ll use a squeegee to press the film into place and trim off the excess for a clean finish. 

How long do they take to cure?

window tintingAlthough installation may take only one to three hours, curing time depends on the weather and climate. For instance, curing may take a few days during the hot and dry summer but several weeks in winter. 

What are the benefits?

Window tinting adds an extra layer of security to your vehicle. Thieves who can’t see into a car interior will be less likely to smash and grab any valuables left in the back seat. Glass coatings, which block harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, also make interiors more comfortable and help air conditioners work more efficiently.

How should I care for them?

After your windows are tinted, wait for the coatings to cure before you wash them. When cleaning tinted windows, use nonabrasive sprays and soft cloths that won’t strip or damage the film.


Start reaping the benefits of tinted windows by allowing Bi-State Glass Coatings to install them. For over three decades, they’ve provided window tinting and glass coatings for homes, businesses, and automobiles throughout Granite City, IL. Call (618) 451-7346 to request a quote, or visit them online to learn more about automotive tinting.
