
This has been reviewed and updated on 12/22/2020.


One of the biggest mistakes people make with auto insurance is buying a policy and neglecting to think about it again unless a claim arises. As your situation changes over the years, so will your coverage needs and discount qualifications. Reviewing your policy will often help ensure you remain properly protected and prevent you from paying higher premiums. Here are a few signs it's time for an update.

When Should You Revise Your Auto Insurance?

1. You’re Moving

Location plays a significant factor in how much auto insurance you must buy and the amount you'll pay. Even if you're just moving to a new neighborhood in the same city, your coverage costs will need to be recalculated for that specific area, as insurers factor in crime rates and commute times.
If you're relocating out of state, your policy will need to be amended to make sure you're carrying the minimum amount of coverage that the state requires. The area's population size and weather will also be taken into account when determining your premiums.

2. You Got Married

If you've recently married, decide if you want to combine policies with your spouse. If you both have good credit and a clean driving record, a joint policy that insures multiple vehicles can help you save money. If you keep separate policies, you'll still want to let your agent know you're no longer single because most insurers provide married drivers with better rates.

3. Your Teen Started Driving

When your teenager gets their driver's license, they'll need to be insured before navigating the roads. Typically, the least expensive way to cover a teen is adding them to your policy. If this is what you decide to do, you may need to increase your coverage to make sure it offers adequate protection for a young driver. Also, ask your agent about ways to save on premiums, such as raising your deductible, rating your teen on the oldest vehicle you own, and applying a student discount.

4. You’re Paying Too Much

Your geographic location is a determining factor in higher rates. A new city center may have been built nearby, which increases traffic and the likelihood of accidents occurring. Some suburban areas will have more teens earning a license around the same time. They're considered risky drivers, which can increase rates in the area. 
If you feel you're overpaying and you aren't sure why, reach out to an auto insurance agent. They can help you shop around for a suitable and affordable plan that still provides the coverage you need. 


Whether you’ve recently experienced a big life change, it’s been a while since you’ve done a policy review, or you’re simply unsatisfied with your current auto insurance, Russell Insurance Agency can help get your coverage up to date. They’ll evaluate your circumstances to find the most suitable and affordable solutions for your unique needs. Operating as an independent agency for over 20 years, they’re committed to providing the residents of Baldwin County, AL, with high-quality and competitively priced products. Call (251) 947-3607 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to request a quote.
