
Gum disease is a common issue, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be scary or surprising to hear your dentist say those words during a routine checkup. Fortunately, being familiar with the causes of the disease can help you to spot issues early and work with your dentist proactively. Here are three common catalysts of periodontitis and how to prevent them. 

Factors That Lead to Gum Disease

1. Smoking

When you smoke, you’re exposing your oral tissues to stark temperature changes and a litany of different chemicals, all of which eventually cause your oral mucosa to thicken. This factor can contribute to poor salivary flow, which in turn raises your risk. In fact, smokers are more than twice as likely to develop the condition than non-smokers. 

2. Hormonal Shifts

dentistWhen women go through hormonal changes, such as during the start of their period, pregnancy, or menopause, they are more likely to develop gum disease. This heightened risk factor stems from shifts in the production of estrogen, which can allow this infection to thrive. 

3. Diabetes

If you’re living with diabetes, you’re three to four times as likely to develop periodontal disease than someone without the condition. Diabetics can have higher blood sugar levels, which can give oral bacteria the chance to grow uncontrolled. Additionally, diabetics are at a higher risk for infection, further increasing the likelihood of advanced periodontitis. 


Regardless of whether you have gum disease currently or you meet certain risk factors, the team at Daleville Dental LLC can help. Every stage of gingivitis and periodontitis is treatable, and Dr. Jay Walters can offer help with everything from deep cleanings and scaling to full smile restorations. For more information about how he can help, visit his website or give his office a call at (334) 598-4994.
