
Your home’s septic system receives a lot of usage throughout the year. However, the bulk of impact happens during the holiday season. With fall in full swing, it’s wise to schedule maintenance for your system during this time of year to avoid problems during the holidays. Below are a few reasons why calling a professional pumping company is beneficial. 

Benefits of Fall Septic Maintenance 

1. Avoid Overflow & Backups

With many holiday guests in town, your septic system will likely be working overtime to meet the increased use. Without a pumping ahead of time, however, this peak in use could potentially lead to problems, including sewage overflow and backups. A pumping will rid the system of excess waste and ensure there is plenty of space for extra holiday use.

2. Avoid Snow Accumulation

Fall is perfect for septic work because the ground is still relatively warm enough to dig up the system without penetrating the frozen ground. Additionally, there is a decrease in rainfall, which makes excavation work easier and avoids muddy conditions. If you wait until winter, a technician may have a difficult time locating and accessing the system because of excess snow.

3. Avoid Laundry Problems

septic systemThe comfort of bundling up in the winter comes with a hefty increase in laundry loads. Bulky garments typically need more thorough washings, which can increase the amount of water running through your septic system during the winter. Gain peace of mind and make sure you’re able to wash your garments in bulk by scheduling septic system maintenance during the fall.

4. Avoid Tank Freezing

Cracks or gaps in your tank’s lid might not be too problematic during warm seasons, but they can lead to serious issues during the winter. When water and frigid air leaks into the tank, it can overwork the septic system or freeze it completely. Having these gaps addressed by a septic professional during the fall will prevent these problems from happening.



Get ready for winter by scheduling your septic system pumping with A A Septic Tank & Drain Service in Acme, PA. With more than 35 years of professional experience, the company handles a wide range of maintenance and repairs. With top-tier pump trucks and high-powered jetting equipment, the team will efficiently inspect your system and get it ready for the holiday season. Visit their website for more information on their services or call (724) 593-7457. 
