
For many pet owners, dogs and cats light up the home. Unfortunately, they can also quickly destroy your carpet. Pet carpet damage can permanently ruin the floors, and the problem might even extend to the padding and wood underneath. As such, below are a few tips for training your beloved pets to go outside and not on your carpet.

5 Tips for House-Training Pets

1. Spray the Stains

Dogs are especially prone to relieving themselves in the same spot, so removing the odor will help them break the bad habit. Spray the affected area with a solution of water and white vinegar, or have a pet carpet damage specialist clean it for you.

2. Understand Your Dog’s Needs

Many new puppy owners underestimate how often their new pet needs to go outside. As a general rule, puppies can only hold their urine for about an hour for every month they grow. For example, a four-month-old pup may need to go to the bathroom every four hours.

3. Get a Kennel

pet carpet damageA kennel gives your dog a safe place to relax, and most won’t go to the bathroom where they sleep. Get a kennel that’s large enough for your dog to stand up and turn around comfortably, but not so big that they can relieve themselves in a corner. As soon as you let them out of the crate, take them outside and give them a treat as a reward.

4. Don’t Punish Your Pet for Mistakes

Yelling at your pet or using other negative reinforcement techniques usually doesn’t work. It might even make the problem worse. If you catch your dog relieving themselves on the carpet, calmly take them outside and clean up the mess immediately.

5. Offer Praise & Encouragement

Praise and treats are two of the best ways to show your pet what you expect of them. Every time they relieve themselves outside, offer enthusiastic praise and plenty of their favorite treats. Remember that when training any animal, the trick is to be consistent and avoid getting frustrated.


If your pets have had accidents in your home, call Kelly Prater Carpet Repair-Installation, the pet carpet damage specialist. Whether your carpet is badly stained or just needs a touch-up, he has the expertise and advanced equipment to restore your floor coverings and eliminate any unpleasant smells. Visit him online to see how he can repair your pet carpet damage, follow his Twitter for more tips and advice, or call (402) 440-5848 to schedule a service call.
