
Veneers are very thin shells that are secured to the front of your teeth to improve their appearance. If you’re considering veneers, you might be worried about how difficult it is to take care of them. Luckily, you won’t have to change up your dental routine drastically. Make sure to listen to any recommendations from your dentist, and consult the following guide to learn proper veneer care.

What to Know About Veneer Care 

1. Brush and Floss as Normal

Unlike some other dental changes like dentures, veneers don’t require that you do much to change up your cleaning routine. You should continue to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Choose a soft toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste to keep your veneers from wearing down. Don’t be afraid about flossing your teeth as your veneers are extremely durable.

2. Cut Down on Hard Foods

dentistAlthough veneers are very sturdy and durable, they can still chip. For this reason, you should be cautious when eating hard foods or chewing on hard things. Try not to chew your fingernails or a pen out of nervousness. You should avoid ice, tough candy, and apples that aren’t cut up. If you need to chew hard food, use your back teeth. When you first receive veneers, eat fruit, make a smoothie, and maintain caution when biting down on chewy foods. 

3. Schedule a Follow-Up 

After your dentist puts in your veneers, they’ll probably ask you to make a follow-up appointment. Make sure you do not skip this. They will check to see that your veneers fit properly and that there aren’t any issues with your gums. They can check to see if you grind your teeth and help you get a mouth guard if you do to keep your veneers shiny and new. They’ll also advise you about the aesthetics of your veneers and inform you on how to reduce future stains. 


If you’re ready to talk about veneers, visit family dentist James Julien DDS at his practice in Kenai, AK. He will help maintain a healthy, attractive smile. Dr. James and his staff create a soothing and affirmative experience for all of his patients, whether it be a routine checkup or a cosmetic appointment. Visit his website to learn more information or call (907) 283-4857 to make an appointment.
