
An uncontested divorce refers to a case where both parties essentially have no disagreements about the dissolution of their marriage. However, to file for this type of divorce, there are a few requirements you must meet. Learn more about uncontested separations so you, your ex, and your divorce attorney can work together to devise the most favorable arrangement possible.

What Do Spouses Need to Agree On?

The primary qualifier for this type of divorce is complete agreement on all financial, custodial, and ownership arrangements. This means you and your ex must be on the same page about child custody, child and spousal support, division of assets, and property ownership. You must also agree upon the same parenting plans, which includes decisions about how the children will be raised.

What Are the Benefits?

divorce attorneyAlthough it may be difficult to work past the emotional aspects of a divorce to find resolutions, doing so is often for the best. If you have children, minimizing tension as much as possible will help create a stable, healthy environment for co-parenting. While the transition will still be challenging for your child, this will help ease them into the new stage in their lives. Uncontested divorces are also typically less costly, as you spend less time consulting with your divorce attorney trying to mediate issues and battle over decisions.

How Can a Divorce Attorney Help?

If you and your ex are committed to achieving an uncontested divorce, your lawyer can help. First, they'll outline all the critical decisions you'll need to address. They'll also offer mediation services and advice should a conflict arise to help you and your ex successfully find a resolution.


If you need a divorce attorney to help guide you through this process, talk to the professionals at O'Neill Law Firm LLC in La Crosse, WI. With over 20 years of experience handling family law cases in the Coulee region, they have the expertise and knowledge needed to help you obtain the most favorable outcome possible. Visit their website to learn more about their family law services, and call (608) 519-3551 to schedule a consultation today. 
