
Driving under the influence is illegal in the United States. However, what constitutes the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit varies by state. In Missouri, a BAC of 0.08% or higher results in criminal charges. If you were recently charged with a DWI in this state, learn why hiring an attorney is your best course of action.

How Can a DWI Attorney Help You?

1. Understands Missouri DWI Laws

An experienced attorney who specializes in DWIs will have in-depth knowledge of Missouri traffic laws. The lawyer will explain the difference between the state's criminal and administrative DWI laws, and they'll also understand if you're facing any related penalties. If you haven't studied these laws, it's best to work with someone who has.

2. Knows What Evidence Is Relevant in Court

attorneyYour attorney will review all the evidence in detail to decide what's relevant to your case. For example, if a police officer used force to administer a breathalyzer test, your attorney can argue the force was unnecessary. If you represent yourself, you could unintentionally provide irrelevant evidence or say something damaging to your case. A DWI attorney ensures the evidence presented in court depicts you in a positive light.

3. Saves Money

The right lawyer will know how to discuss your case in a way that avoids a conviction or at least reduces the sentence. Getting convicted of a DWI means paying hefty fines and serving jail time, and also paying more on car insurance in the future. If you're a commercial driver convicted of a DWI, you could also lose your license. If a lawyer protects you from these outcomes, you’ll save yourself from paying down the line.


If you’ve been charged with a DWI, don’t hesitate to contact the Law Office of Mike Hamilton in Columbia, MO. Their lawyers can provide experienced, competent representation that will improve your likelihood of a positive outcome. Call (573) 825-5698 today to schedule a free consultation or visit them online for a full list of practice areas. Also, remember that the choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
