
If you’re moving to a property that isn’t connected to a municipal water line, you’ll have to install a private water supply system in your home. Wells require a reliable source of groundwater, which some areas don’t provide. In this case, you’ll require a cistern to ensure you never run out of liquids. The guide below explains what cisterns are and how they work.

What Is a Cistern?

A cistern is a large concrete tank that’s installed underground and filled with water from rain or delivery services. Much like a well, this water supply system relies on a pump to deliver the liquids to your home.

When used for irrigation, a simple pump and pump start relay make watering your garden easy. To supply a home, you’ll require a pump and a pressure tank. The tank provides water on demand so the pump doesn’t switch on every time you need water.

What Are the Benefits of Getting One?

water supply systemIf your home has a well system that can’t supply all your water needs, a rain-fed cistern will provide you water for gardening and other water-heavy tasks. This is an eco-friendly alternative to procedures like hydrofracking, which contaminate surrounding groundwater in search of more liquids. Rainwater cisterns require water treatment to make them safe for drinking and plumbing fixtures.

You can also use one as your main water supply system if the local water table can’t support a well. In this case, you’ll need to have it regularly refilled through water deliveries.


When you need a well or cistern pump repaired, turn to Quackenbush Water Systems Co. Inc for assistance. Based in Warwick, NY, they serve homeowners and businesses throughout Orange and Sullivan counties. They also perform pump installations and emergency services to help you when you need it most. Visit their website to learn more about what they do or call (845) 986-1900 to discuss your needs.
