
Started in 1935, the Social Security program’s initial goal was to provide financial support to eligible U.S. workers after they retired. Over time, it expanded to include programs for other populations, including low-income earners and disabled individuals. If you think you’re entitled to disability benefits but you’re unsure how to pursue them, read on for the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Social Security law.

Social Security Law FAQ

Who is eligible for disability benefits?

To apply for disability benefits, you must be at least 18 years old, and you must have a qualifying condition that’s expected to last for at least one year. Additionally, you must be unable to earn a living wage, but you must have earned enough work credits in the past to be eligible.

What is a work credit?

A work credit is a quarter of coverage during which you paid into the Social Security program. You can earn up to four credits per year, and most disability applicants need at least 40 credits to qualify for benefits. As of 2019, individuals earn one work credit for every $1,360 they make, up to four total.

What does the benefits application entail?

social-security-law-dalton-gaTo apply for benefits, you’ll have to submit your medical records and employment records. Depending on the circumstances, you may also need to obtain statements from various experts explaining your prognosis. If your claim is initially denied—which, unfortunately, is not uncommon—you can appeal it by requesting a hearing.

Should I hire a lawyer when I’m ready to apply for disability benefits?

Although it’s possible to submit a claim on your own, an attorney can provide invaluable guidance. Your lawyer will help you complete the application accurately and thoroughly and gather all the necessary documentation, thereby preventing unnecessary delays. Should it be denied, an attorney will also help you navigate the appeals process and ensure you don't miss any critical deadlines along the way.


For help securing the benefits you’re entitled to, turn to Goddard & Hammontree LLC in Dalton, GA. Backed by nearly 60 years of combined experience, this firm offers a broad range of legal services for the injured, ill, and disabled. From workers’ compensation claims to medical malpractice suits, they have the knowledge and resources to resolve all kinds of cases. To request a consultation with a Social Security law attorney on their team, reach out on their website or call (706) 278-0464.
