
An inoperable heater is the last thing you want to experience in the middle of winter. Fortunately, before your equipment reaches this point, it will usually give you a few warning signs that there’s a problem. Recognizing these early indications and scheduling heating system repair right away can help you avoid a costly replacement. Here are a few signs to watch for. 

How to Tell Your Heating System Needs Repairs

1. Strange Noises 

While it’s normal for your heater to make noises from time to time, it should stay relatively quiet when in use. If it has been louder than usual and has been producing odd noises, such as banging, clanking, groaning, or buzzing, there’s likely an issue with one of the components. Heaters often get noisier when they approach the end of their lifespan. Contact a heating system repair expert to avoid a sudden breakdown.

2. Poor Indoor Air Quality 

heating system repairIf dust seems to constantly accumulate on all of your surfaces regardless of how often you clean them, your heater may be the cause. A clogged system or filter will continue circulating dust, mold spores, and other pollutants through your house. This results in poor air quality that can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. If replacing the filter doesn’t help, call your HVAC contractor for an inspection.

3. Ineffective Heating 

When your heater is running, you shouldn’t experience cold air blowing out of the vents or cold spots in your home. If you’re frequently turning the thermostat up in an attempt to reach your desired temperature, there’s a problem with the system. Have it repaired as soon as possible to prevent complete failure. 

4. High Utility Bills 

You should expect your utility bill to increase once heating season begins, but if it’s much higher compared to previous years, it’s likely evidence of a problem with your equipment. Higher utility bills typically mean that your system is no longer operating efficiently and may be running constantly to try and heat your home. An HVAC contractor can diagnose the reason behind this inefficiency and fix it. 



If you notice any of these issues with your heater, don’t wait to contact Pioneer Heating & Cooling, Inc. in Kalispell, MT for prompt and affordable heating system repairs. They’ll thoroughly examine your equipment and provide you with high-quality solutions designed to improve home comfort and efficiency. Backed by more than 100 years of combined industry experience, they’re qualified to provide residents throughout the Flathead Valley with a full range of HVAC services. Call (406) 309-2397 to request an estimate, or visit them online for more information on their offerings. 
