
Usually, residential windows last for about 15 years. If you maintain them well, you might get 20 or even 25 years out of them, but at some point, window replacement will be necessary. When it is, you’ll have to choose between various kinds of glass, like tempered, laminated, and sheet. While each has its advantages, plate glass has been a popular choice for decades.

How Are Plate Glass Windows Made?

Plate glass was initially produced by spinning large rollers over hot liquid glass that had been poured onto a flat surface, like a metal table. As the glass cooled, the rollers continued flattening it until it yielded thin, clear sheets with virtually no imperfections. Depending on the plate’s final function—window, tabletop, or glass fixture, for example—additional polishing may have been necessary.

window replacementIn the 1960s, manufacturers devised a way to eliminate the rolling process, which made plate glass windows more affordable. Known as float glass, the final product is still produced by pouring molten glass over a metal frame (typically tin); however, the liquid “floats” on top of the frame and cools into a flat sheet without the need for rollers. Today, this derivative of plate glass is one of the most popular choices for windows of all shapes and sizes. 

What Are the Benefits of Installing Plate Glass Windows?

The process for producing plate glass has come a long way over the past few decades. If your home was built in the 1950s and still has the original plate glass windows, you might not be impressed by their energy-efficiency; however, today’s float glass is in a league of its own.

It’s stronger, thicker, and more durable than ever while remaining crystal clear and flawless. As such, you should give it serious consideration when it comes time for a window replacement. This type of glass is ideal for expansive windows because it’s produced in massive sheets with no visible seals. 


If you need window replacements in or around Summit County, OH, turn to The Glass Guru of Macedonia. This full-service window contractor installs, repairs, and replaces windows for residential clients throughout the area. By using the most advanced tools available, they can complete some jobs in just 20 minutes, and their repairs are backed by a 10-year warranty. To learn more about their window replacement services, visit their website. To request a quote, call (330) 467-5318.
