
As a parent, you want to do everything possible to keep your teenager healthy and safe. When it comes to their teeth, this is no exception. The dentist-approved tips in this guide will help you take the most comprehensive approach to your teen’s preventative care routine. 

3 Tips to Keep Your Teen’s Teeth in Perfect Condition

1. Invest in Protective Athletic Gear

If your teen participates in contact sports, their oral health could be at risk of damage. To mitigate these risks, bring them to their dentist to get fitted for protective gear, like custom mouthguards and helmets. This will keep them from damage like chipped or cracked teeth or damage to the soft tissues in their mouth, like the tongue or gums. 

2. Minimize Their Sugar Intake

dentistBetween after-school activities, hours of homework, and nights out with friends, it isn’t uncommon for teenagers to rely on sugary foods and drinks to help them stay awake and alert. However, these substances create a breeding ground for decay-causing bacteria, leading to cavities. Encourage them to find healthier ways to increase their energy levels, such as caffeinated tea without sugar or fruit like apples.

3. Encourage Healthy Habits

The habits your child forms during their teen years are likely to stick with them as they venture into adulthood. As such, getting them into a routine of regularly flossing and brushing will help set them up for success in their later years. If you have concerns about their technique, bring them to the dentist for a demonstration. 



If you need help ensuring your teenager’s oral health is up to par, talk to Jeffrey E. Bang, DMD, PC in Staunton, VA. Offering top-quality service in a welcoming, comfortable environment, this dentist and his team have the expertise, knowledge, and resources needed to ensure your teen maintains a beautiful smile for years to come. Give them a call today at (540) 885-8667 to schedule an appointment.
