
Leaves are changing colors, and temperatures are falling. For most homeowners, that means that the air conditioner is getting less use, and you may soon be using your furnace daily. Ensuring that your system is ready for fall is essential for avoiding unexpected repairs later. Here are a few HVAC maintenance essentials to get your system in shape.

Best HVAC Maintenance Practices for Fall

1. Clean the Outdoor Unit

Fallen leaves may look charming, but they also result in extra yard work as you try to keep your lawn clean. While raking leaves from your lawn, check the area around your outdoor HVAC unit. Clear away any fallen leaves or branches that have accumulated in this area, as they could clog its air intake capabilities and overwork the system.

2. Replace Air Filters

HVAC maintenanceReplacing air filters is a crucial task for keeping your HVAC system in stable condition and maintaining indoor air quality. You should replace air filters at least every three months, and more often if you have allergies or pets. A clogged filter forces your system to work harder than necessary to heat your home, increasing your energy bills as well as the risk of a breakdown.

3. Check Furnace Blowers & Burners

Furnace blowers and burners should be cleaned and tested before the heating season to ensure that they are functioning correctly. However, you should leave this task to a professional technician who can better identify any maintenance issues and repair them before they get out of hand.


No matter what type of HVAC maintenance you need, you can count on Barkley Blevins Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning. Serving Fayette County, KY, for over 125 years, this family-owned and -operated business is available 24 hours a day to provide emergency service. To learn more about what they can do for your home or business, visit them online or call (859) 252-3519.
