
Diet plays an integral role in oral health. Foods can fuel or combat decay-causing bacteria, which is why it’s essential to work with your family dentist on making smart choices. Here’s a brief guide to the best and worst foods for oral health to ensure you’re taking the right steps to achieve a healthy smile.

The Best & Worst Foods for Your Teeth

The Worst

Your family dentist has likely preached the ills of sugary foods since you were young. Sweet, sticky candies, and gummy treats can lead to advanced dental decay, pull fillings loose, and stain your teeth.

family dentistAcidic foods like lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits can wear down enamel, and sugar-loaded sodas, juices, and lollipops fuel bacterial growth.

Starchy foods—breads and crackers—are deceptive. Starch breaks down into sugars that convert to acid and erode enamel.

You don’t have to eliminate these foods and drinks from your diet altogether—enjoy them in moderation and rinse your mouth afterward.

The Best

A tooth-friendly diet begins with water. Drink at least eight glasses each day. You’ll flush bacteria and sticky foods from your mouth and also promote saliva production. Milk, yogurt, and other dairy products are rich in calcium—the base for enamel—and lean protein like poultry provide plenty of phosphorus to help maintain it. If you eat broccoli and apples during the day, they’ll scrub your teeth clean, but carry a pack of sugar-free gum to help dislodge any stuck-on foods.


If you’re overdue for a trip to the family dentist, contact Ed Struss Family Dentistry. This Lexington, KY, dentist is backed by 30 years of dental care experience and offers general, emergency, and cosmetic dentistry services. Dr. Struss takes a personalized approach to care and will create a comprehensive plan to preserve your smile. Call (859) 278-7434 to schedule a teeth-cleaning appointment, and connect with them on Facebook for more dental care tips. You can also visit their website to learn more about the practice.
