
Cremation is a common way to handle a loved one’s final remains. For hundreds of years, this choice was not widely available to those of the Catholic faith, but there are now guidelines that permit Catholics to choose cremation as a funerary option. The following will help you understand the Catholic position on cremation.

Cremation & the Catholic Church

What Are the Church’s Views on Cremation?

Although the Catholic Church has acknowledged cremation since 1917 in the case of plague or natural disaster, burial was the preferred choice because of their belief in the resurrection of the body and soul with Christ at the “end of days.” Today, there is more acceptance of cremation, including being able to receive Catholic rites, so long as certain guidelines are followed.

What Are the Guidelines for Catholic Cremation?

cremationIn order to receive Catholic funeral rites as part of a cremation, the internment of the cremains, or ashes, must follow specific guidelines. The motivation for cremation must be for hygienic, financial, or social reasons, such as national customs or as the result of a natural disaster or plague. It may not be based on sectarian beliefs.

Cremains must be interred within a cemetery, columbarium, or mausoleum. They must not be scattered, distributed among family members, stored in urns or jewelry, or otherwise dispersed. The cremains of a practitioner of the Catholic faith should be regarded with the same esteem and decorum as an intact body. Best practices would include having the funeral rites before cremation occurs, but if necessary, rites can be performed after.


Choosing cremation is a preferable option for many. Adzima Funeral Home, in Stratford, CT, honors all religious and spiritual traditions in helping you plan a funeral, burial, or cremation for your deceased loved one. Since 1914, their licensed and compassionate staff has served generations of local residents with pre-planning, traditional funerals, burials, and cremations. Call (203) 375-2200 to learn more about their services or visit them online.
