
Poor electrical wiring is a leading cause of office fires, which is why you should recognize warning signs of issues. An electrician will work with you to resolve them and set up an inspection schedule to ensure your property is safe.

How to Tell If Your Office Wiring Is Hazardous

1. Age

If you work in an older building, contact an electrician to check the age of the wires. Non-metallic aluminum wiring, which was used in most buildings 50 years or older, can pose a risk. Aluminum fails more quickly than copper wire, resulting in poor connections that can create sparks and ignite flammable items. An electrician will determine if you have aluminum or age-worn wiring and can replace them with new copper wires as needed.

2. Tripped Breakers

electrician-honoluluFrequently tripping breakers usually mean that your circuits can’t handle the workload your devices are placing on them. Failing circuits can create shock and fire hazards. They’re also dangerous for devices like computers that can sustain damage from repeatedly being shut off. Have an electrician add a new circuit line to reduce stress.

3. Scorched Outlets

Scorch marks around outlets indicate you’re already experiencing fire risks. Outlets may also be melted, smoking, or hot when too many items are plugged in. So long as your wiring is safe, an electrician can add more outlets.


If your office is overdue for a safety inspection, bring in an electrician from AA Electric. Based in Honolulu, this electrical company has served home, industrial, and commercial clients since 1947. They will take every step to ensure you have a reliable, code-compliant system. Call (808) 841-4131 to make an appointment, and visit their website to learn more about their electrical services. You can also connect on Facebook for more safety tips.
