
Smartphones, video games, and tablets are convenient ways to keep your children and teens entertained quietly. However, when given a chance, encourage your kids to get active. They can jump rope in the driveway, play tag with the neighbors, or work on their throw with a sibling. Here are a few reasons why fitness is essential for children of all ages.

Why Your Kids Should Get Active

1. Reduced Risk of Obesity

Almost 14 million children nationwide are clinically overweight, putting them an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and joint problems. Children and adolescents should get at least one hour of daily physical activity to strengthen their bones and muscles.

2. Improved Mental Health

fitnessPhysical activity can tire growing children, allowing them to sleep more peacefully through the night. Getting enough rest can translate to sharper memory and enhanced focus in the classroom. Additionally, fitness and exercise release a chemical in the brain that can cause kids and teens to feel happier and less stressed.

3. Heightened Sense of Responsibility

When kids make exercise part of their daily life, they learn the importance of taking responsibility for their own well-being. Establishing a fitness routine and completing it on schedule can boost their sense of self-esteem and enhance their time management skills. To reinforce the routine, award your kids with a sticker on a chart so that they can see their progress and consistency. If they exercise regularly, your children and teens will carry these structured, responsible lessons into their adult life.


In addition to exercising regularly, help your kids lead healthier lives by getting them a personalized wellness plan from the team at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI. These professionals will consider your children’s lifestyle, diet, and activity level to make suggestions on how they can safely improve their overall well-being. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 521-8170 to schedule an appointment.
