
Although breast cancer is relatively common, affecting 12 percent of women throughout their lifetimes, early detection is vital to a positive outcome. Self-exams and annual mammograms after age 40 can identify abnormalities in the breast that need further examination. While this is a safe, preventive measure, it's still reasonable to be nervous before your first mammogram. Learn more about what to expect below to help you feel calm and prepared.

Common Questions About Mammograms

1. What happens during a mammogram?

Once you've arrived for your appointment, you'll undress from the waist up and put on a gown. During the procedure, a technician will position your breasts one at a time on a machine that will then compress your breasts between two plates. It only takes a few seconds to capture each image, and the whole appointment typically takes about 15 minutes.

2. Does it hurt?

It can be uncomfortable or painful when your breasts are compressed during a mammogram. However, it's necessary to ensure a clear image with minimal radiation, and it only lasts a few seconds. To reduce pain, schedule your mammogram about a week after your menstrual period, as your breasts will be the least tender. Avoiding caffeine for a few days before your appointment can also reduce tenderness. 

3. When will I get the results? 


In general, mammogram results are available within two weeks. You can expect a letter from the imaging center explaining your results, and a call from your doctor.

In some cases, you may be called back for additional testing, though this doesn't automatically mean that you have cancer. It only indicates that something appeared on the images that needs a closer look. During a follow-up appointment, a radiologist will capture the necessary images, and you'll know before you leave whether additional testing is required.

4. How can I prepare?

On the day of your appointment, avoid using any powders, lotions, or deodorant, as they contain ingredients that can affect the images. Wear a shirt that can be easily removed, and be sure to discuss any changes to your breasts or underarm area with your doctor ahead of time. Finally, relax and know that you're taking an important step toward protecting your health. 


If you need to schedule your first mammogram, contact Hudson Valley Imaging in New Windsor, NY. As one of the country’s leading diagnostic imaging centers, this center provides state-of-the-art breast imaging services in a comfortable environment where you can feel at ease. To schedule an appointment, call (845) 220-2222. To learn more about their mammogram services, visit their website.
