
When you invite your customers into your office space, the environment you present them with can leave a lasting impression—and none more so than your bathroom. While a dirty ceramic tile and grout may seem like an insignificant part of a bathroom, you’ll be surprised at how many people will notice if yours are grimy. Here are a few reasons why a deep clean for these areas should be on your cleaning rota.

Why You Shouldn’t Pass on Cleaning Your Tile & Grout

1. Promotes Good Hygiene

A sparkling clean bathroom is a measure of good hygiene. Germs will manifest and breed if not thoroughly cleaned away by antiseptic. Every surface area, from a washbasin to a ceramic tile, needs to be cleaned, not just those parts that are more obvious than others. Germs can lead to illness spreading among not only your team but also your customers. If the first impression someone gets of your business is a disgusting-looking bathroom followed by a sickness bug, your name will get around for all the wrong reasons.

2. Leaves a Good Impression

CERAMIC TILEWhen you have someone visiting your office for the first time, they’re going to pay close attention to everything they see—what the entrance and reception area looks like, how the people in your team present themselves, and how clean the bathrooms are. A customer is going to use these points of reference as a means to help them decide if you’re somebody with whom they want to spend their money. A clean bathroom speaks volumes about your attention to detail and your attentiveness to the not-so-glamorous aspects of business.

3. Reduces Customer Complaints

If a customer approaches a team member, you want it to either be because they have something positive to say or because they have a question with which a team member can help. What you don’t want them coming up to you to do is to complain about the state of the bathroom. Negativity is powerful, and once your customer sees a dirty bathroom, they’ll begin to see other things that bug them too. 


Get started on your next flooring initiative with the right team behind you. CFS Interiors and Flooring in Eagan, MN, is the premier full-service flooring dealership in the Twin Cities area. They’ll guide you through your entire project from start to finish, including design solutions, product selection and installation, and ongoing maintenance. Whether you’re pondering a ceramic tile finish or a carpet covering, reach out to the team today to find out more about the extensive support they provide. Visit their website or call them on (651) 681-8100 and make your flooring vision a reality.
