
Located inside each tooth, the root canal is full of sensitive nerves and tissues that can cause severe pain when injured or infected. Fortunately, when the problem is caught early, dentists can restore the tooth without extracting it. Using root canal therapy, providers clean out the infected tissue and replace it with a hard substance to reinforce the tooth and alleviate discomfort. If you’re concerned about your teeth, here are some symptoms that indicate you may need root canal treatment.

5 Common Warning Signs of a Root Canal Infection

1. Sensitivity or Pain

When the infected root canal irritates nerves in the teeth, your brain receives a pain signal. While it may produce a throbbing sensation without stimulus, touching the affected tooth can increase pain.

root-canal-concord-ncIn addition to pain, the compromised nerves in the teeth may be sensitive to certain conditions. For example, you may feel an aggravating twinge every time you eat something cold, drink a hot beverage, or consume sugary treats.

2. Tooth Deterioration

As the infection progresses, it can start to wear away at the enamel and weaken the tooth. If the tooth is weak enough, it may chip or crack when exposed to force—such as when you chew on hard or sticky objects.

3. Discoloration

Infected teeth will often turn a dark brown or grey hue as a result of interior deterioration. This type of discoloration will not improve through professional teeth whitening and will need to be corrected through root canal therapy.

4. Gum Changes

Root canal infections don’t just impact teeth—they can also affect the surrounding gum tissue as the problem spreads. Specifically, you may find that the gums appear red and swollen or feel increasingly tender to the touch.

5. Abscess Growth

Eventually, the infection will have to spread beyond the root canal and tooth area. As this happens, discharge will collect around the tooth and under the gum tissue, forming a pimple-like bump that’s known as an abscess. Abscesses are a sign of a serious infection and require immediate attention from a skilled dentist.


If you’ve developed any of these symptoms, don’t wait to seek help. Instead, protect your smile with the advanced services offered by Stacey Lesley, DDS. Providing restorative dentistry in Concord, NC, for over two decades, Dr. Lesley and Dr. Sharma provide swift, reliable treatment for root canal infections. Focused on the patient’s complete oral health, these caring professionals will relieve pain and repair the tooth. If the infection is too advanced, they also offer extractions and dental implants to restore your smile. Visit this family dentistry practice online to learn more about their services, or call (704) 766-1488 to schedule an appointment.
