
As a parent, encouraging your children to engage in healthy habits is crucial. When it comes to dental care, this involves ensuring they brush their teeth regularly. But what can you do to get your child invested in and excited about their oral hygiene routine? The following tips will help pique their interest, so they pass their next exam at the dental office with flying colors. 

3 Tips to Encourage Regular Brushing in Children

1. Choose a Fun Brush

When kids are young, they’re often motivated by items that feature beloved characters or feel like a toy. Therefore, look for a brush that is designed to keep them engaged and entertained—such as one that plays music while in use. Many dental offices give away brushes with cartoon characters or bright and exciting colors for this same reason.

2. Pick a Tasty Toothpaste

dental officeStandard toothpaste varieties for adults typically come in minty flavors. For children, this taste may be too strong and dissuade them from wanting to brush. Rather than opting for a traditional flavor, look for offerings designed with children in mind. Kids’ varieties often come in strawberry or watermelon, which will give your little one something tasty to look forward to. 

3. Make It a Challenge

Many children are also motivated by reward systems, so use this to your advantage. Set a challenge for them to brush their teeth twice a day every day. For every session they complete, give them a star on a homemade chart, which can be “spent” on a new toy, extra TV time, or a fun outing. 


If you need help managing your child’s oral health, schedule an appointment at the dental office of Fallbrook Family Dentistry. Based in Lincoln, NE, these professionals are proud to offer a broad range of services, from preventative to cosmetic dentistry, to keep your whole family smiling brightly. Visit their office’s website to learn more about what they do. Call (402) 467-0007 to schedule an exam today. 
