
If your residential or commercial property is on an angled or elevated lot of land, you can prevent soil erosion and surface runoff by constructing a retaining wall. These walls are durable, aesthetically appealing, and can last a long time when correctly built. However, if you’re a property owner who is considering building one of these structures, you likely have questions before getting started on your project.

What You Should Know About Retaining Walls Before Building One

What are the Benefits of a Retaining Wall?

For buildings constructed on a slope, retaining walls can keep the land level, which makes it more accessible for a variety of purposes. They also prevent the foundation from shifting and soil erosion from blocking entryways to basements. In the event of a flood, these walls serve as a barrier to keep water out of your home or place of business.

What Materials Do I Need to Build a Retaining Wall?

Retaining walls are usually constructed with a series of interlocking bricks and stones or from concrete that can come in a variety of textures and colors to match the design of your building. The materials you need can readily be found at a local building supply store.

How Tall Can the Wall Be?

Many retaining walls retaining walls Cincinnati, OHare most durable when built at four feet high or lower. However, when deciding on the most suitable height for your property, you’ll need to factor in the land slope, soil grade, groundwater, and materials you intend to build with. Before you start construction, it’s best to research local ordinances or consult a land surveyor or engineer.

How Long Do They Last?

How long the wall lasts will depend in large part on the preexisting site conditions. However, with proper planning and construction and the use of quality materials, a retaining wall can last generations. Typically, a wall built with timber can last up to 50 years. If it’s made with concrete and masonry, it can last for 100 years or more.

Find all the materials you need to build a sturdy retaining wall on your property at Western Hills Builder's Supply of Cincinnati, OH. For nearly a century, the company has supplied professional builders and DIYers with commercial and residential building supplies like decking fixtures, masonry, pavers, and fireplaces. Call them today at (513) 574-6200 or visit their website to learn more about the company and how their team of licensed and caring professionals can help you.
