
Athletes’ bodies undergo immense stress and have to be primed for optimal performance. There are many options for care and training regimens, and massage therapy can be the perfect addition. This treatment isn’t simply for spa pampering—it may aid in recovery, and over time, even improve athletic performance. Consider the following advantages.

How Can Athletes Benefit From Massages?

1. Reduces Inflammation

massage-therapy-southgateDuring exercise, your muscles experience “trauma” and grow stronger as they repair. However, inflammation can be a side effect  that can create discomfort and slow repair. Massage therapy can stimulate the energy-producing cells in muscles to combat inflammation. This leads to better comfort and more effective muscle recovery.

2. Prevents Injury

Whether you’re an amateur or professional athlete, you can’t afford to be sidelined by injuries. Massage therapy focuses on reducing muscle and joint tension that may make your body more susceptible to injuries. This especially true after an intense activity that leaves your body in a sensitive recovery state. Massage will ensure your muscles are in top condition for your next performance or for an upcoming recovery period.

3. Improves Performance

Massage therapy can improve blood flow to muscles and joints, which may increase your range of motion and flexibility. By putting you in a more relaxed, mobile state, therapy can improve your athletic performance. Consider a light massage the day before an upcoming game or competition.


If you want to explore the benefits of massage therapy further, contact Southgate Chiropractic. This Southgate, KY, practice is led by Dr. Roger C. Jones. Dr. Jones specializes in chiropractic care, massage, and other medical treatments. He and his team can provide auto accident treatment, address neck and back pain, and more. Call (859) 572-0029 to schedule a consultation and connect on Facebook for health tips and updates. You can learn more about the practice online.
