
Being energy efficient is beneficial to your home, your pocket, and the environment. Finding ways to cut down on electrical usage is the first step. Below are a few tips from the electric company to keep in mind.

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

1. Adjust Appliance Settings

Most people purchase an appliance, plug it in, and start using it. Many homeowners do not realize that there are settings that can be adjusted that will save energy. Refrigerators and freezers, for example, can be adjusted to temperatures that will keep your food safe without wasting electricity. Keep the fridge between 36 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit and the freezer to zero to five degrees.  

2. Turn Everything Off

electric companyMany electronics nowadays have a standby mode instead of an on/off switch. Televisions, computers, and DVD players never really go off completely, which means they are continuing to draw power when not in use. This wastes energy and also increases your bill from the electric company. Plug these devices into a power strip instead and turn off the entire strip when you are not using the equipment. In addition, do not leave device chargers plugged in when not in use since they too continue to draw electricity.

3. Care for Your HVAC

Heating and cooling systems use power to keep your home comfortable no matter the weather. There are ways to make sure units are working at peak efficiency. First, make sure to have a technician inspect your air conditioner and furnace annually to check that components are clean and working correctly. Change filters every few months and use a programmable thermostat so that your unit isn’t constantly running when no one is in the space.

4. Check Your Insulation

Make sure insulation in your home is at the right levels to stop heat loss and drafts. Often, extra padding is needed in attics and crawlspaces. Also, check weatherstripping and insulation around windows and doors. Replace any missing or damaged ones so that energy isn’t seeping out and making your HVAC work too hard.

5. Adjust Large Appliance Use

Large appliances like washers, dryers, and dishwashers consume a substantial amount of electricity. A way to reduce this is to always run full loads. This cuts down on waste and also reduces how frequently you use them. Consider doing laundry and using dishwashers at night after 8 o’clock when electricity rates tend to be lower.


If you are looking for ways to save money on your electric bill, talk to Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative, Inc. Serving Espanola, Cuba, and Jemez Springs, New Mexico since 1947, the electric company has affordable rates for electric service for residential and commercial customers alike. Their easy application process and their friendly customer care make it simple to become a member of this electric cooperative. To get started, call the electric company at (505) 753-2105. Learn more about their services on their website.

For more info, visit their partner, Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, for an interactive energy saving experience.
