
A root canal procedure is used to save a tooth that is inflamed or infected. During the process, the nerve and pulp of the teeth are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned out. While this may sound intimidating, a root canal treatment is usually no more uncomfortable than having a filling.

How to Know If You Need a Root Canal Procedure

When Is a Root Canal Needed?

You’ll probably need a root canal procedure if the soft tissue inside your tooth (also called the root canal) gets inflamed or infected. This can happen for several reasons. If your tooth has deep decay, a faulty crown, or a crack or chip, this could cause problems with the root canal. If a tooth has had multiple dental procedures done, the likelihood it will need a root canal increases.

The symptoms of an inflamed or infected root canal include a sharp pain when chewing or biting, a chipped or cracked tooth, sensitivity to hot and cold foods, and swollen, tender, or darkening gums. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, make sure to see your dentist right away. If a root canal problem goes untreated, it could result in an abscess, a pus-filled pocket that forms when an infection spreads. It could also cause swelling that can spread to the face, head, or neck, or bone loss.

How Does the Procedure Work?

root canal procedureFirst, your dentist will take X-rays of your tooth. This lets them see the shape of the root canal and find out if there has been any damage to the surrounding bone. They'll then numb the area around the tooth. Their next step is to drill an access hole into the tooth so they can remove the pulp and decayed nerve. This is done by using files that increase in size to scrape and scrub the root canal.

Once the tooth is cleaned, it is sealed. Sometimes your dentist will wait to permanently seal it so you can apply medicine to make sure the bacteria is gone, but sometimes it can be sealed right away. This procedure can take several visits.



If you need a root canal procedure, trust the skilled dentists at BridgeView Dental Group in Kodiak, AK. Their dentists are highly trained and have years of experience making patients feel comfortable during intimidating procedures, including root canals. They also provide routine cleanings, teeth whitening, and fillings. Visit their website to browse their services or call (907) 486-3257 to request an appointment.
