
The candy is one of the main reasons why Halloween is so much fun, but if you want your child’s next trip to the dentist to go smoothly, it’s important to keep their teeth clean. There are ways to accomplish this without compromising on the fun. Here are a few tips to keep in mind. 

How to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Safe on Halloween 

1. Focus on Soft Candies 

Although sticky candies are often delicious, it’s difficult to completely brush them away, leaving your child’s teeth coated in sugar long after the candy has been consumed. Hard candies are designed to take a long time to eat, so the sugar will settle and attract the bacteria that cause cavities. Plus, they can crack your child’s teeth if they bite down too hard, which would warrant an emergency trip to the dentist. Soft candies, like chocolates, are quick to eat and less likely to leave sugar behind. 

2. Drink Water 

dentistNo matter what type of candy your child eats, make sure they drink plenty of water, as well. The water will wash down the sugar and remnants of the candy so that bacteria doesn’t accumulate on the teeth. Don’t substitute the water with juice or soda, as these will increase your child’s sugar intake. 

3. Have a System 

Avoid tempting your child to eat all the candy at once by stashing it in a hiding place that they’ll work hard to find—despite your best efforts. Instead, specify that candy is to be eaten only after meals, when your child’s mouth will already be producing enough saliva to dissolve the sugar and wash it away. Limit the candy to a certain amount each time it’s eaten. 

4. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene 

Keep your child in the habit of brushing and flossing twice daily. Also, have them rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash. This will get rid of sugar left in their mouths before the bacteria can create cavities. Also, make sure your child visits the dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups.  

Anytime before or after Halloween, take your child to a dentist at All Bright Dental in Mamaroneck, NY, to ensure that their teeth are healthy. Whether your child needs a routine teeth cleaning or an emergency dentist to fix a tooth chipped by hard candy, Dr. Kravets is ready to help. With more than 15 years of experience, his knowledge of general dentistry and commitment to the long-term oral health of his patients guarantees that your child will leave his office with a brighter smile. Schedule an appointment today by calling (914) 594-9092 or messaging the office online
