
Lush, mature trees are a beautiful addition to any property, but you need to invest in the proper services to keep them healthy. To accomplish this goal, routine tree trimming is a must. But rather than attempting this task yourself, consider the following reasons why it’s best left to a professional arborist. 

Why Hire an Arborist for Tree Trimming?

Protect the Tree

Trees are at risk of all types of diseases and challenges, from fungi to pest infestations. When one part becomes sick or damaged, quickly treating the affected area is the key to protecting the entire ecosystem. However, as an amateur, it can be difficult for you to determine the focal point of the issue. Not only does this make it difficult to limit the spread of the disease, but if you cut the wrong area, you could stump the tree’s future growth.

Protect Yourself

tree trimmingTree trimming can be a dangerous task, even for the most experienced and skilled arborist. To start, it involves utilizing sharp equipment like electric saws and trimmers at awkward angles, which can lead to significant physical injuries if you don’t know how to use or handle the machinery. Second, to access the affected branches, you’ll likely have to climb a ladder. Should you fall off while trimming the tree, you could get seriously hurt.


If the trees on your property could use trimming, don’t handle it on your own. Instead, contact the arborists at Dave & Aaron Stang's Certified Tree Care. Based in Cincinnati, OH, these professionals have over 130 years of combined experience, giving them the expertise, insight, and knowledge to safely treat your green giants and keep your property in pristine condition. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and call (513) 936-9777 to schedule a tree trimming appointment today. 
