
There are many reasons to watch out for mold growth in your home, as it can lead to a bad odor, irritating rashes, and respiratory issues. To avoid the need for mold removal services, learn what causes it to grow and stop it before it becomes an issue. Follow this guide to keep mold out of your home and keep your family breathing easy.

What Causes Mold?

Mold travels in the form of spores, which can become airborne or settle on surfaces. When these spores meet the right combination of environmental factors, they can grow into the mold you might see around the house.

For mold to grow, it needs darkness, warmth, and moisture. Therefore, you’re most likely to see mold growing in basements, bathrooms, attics, inside cabinets, and in other dark, damp spots with minimal ventilation.

How Can I Prevent Mold Growth?

mold removal

To avoid the embarrassing look, musty odor, and health consequences of mold growth, you’ll need to prevent these environmental conditions. Check your cabinets for plumbing leaks at least once a week, and look for soggy insulation in your attic after a storm.

When you’re done showering, turn on the bathroom fan or open a window to allow the condensation to evaporate. Also, install a sump pump in your basement, and clean the floors regularly to eliminate bacteria and moisture from underground.

Finally, check on your drainage system and the land grading around your property to ensure runoff isn’t pooling around your home’s foundation.


If you need mold removal services before you can enact these prevention tactics, reach out to Best Option Restoration (B.O.R.) - North Atlanta in Marietta, GA. They’ll closely inspect your home after a flood or storm, looking for signs of mold growth and water damage. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call (404) 345-3380 to schedule an appointment with a mold removal specialist today.
