
As summer comes to a close, many homeowners are preparing to shut down their air conditioning systems for the season. However, your HVAC equipment still needs proper maintenance to work for as long as possible. Here are a few essential tasks that should be on your to-do list this time of year.

3 AC Maintenance Tips for the End of Summer?

1. Change the Filter

Your HVAC filter is there to catch dust, allergens, and solid materials that float through your ventilation system. When the screen gets full, it’s more challenging for your system to push air through, and your indoor air quality will suffer. At the end of the season, change your filter, so it’s fresh for whenever you need heat or air conditioning. You should also check filters once a month throughout the year to change them out when necessary.

2. Clear the Outdoor Unithvac

If leaves, sticks, or other debris falls around your outdoor AC unit in the fall, it will block the flow of air or cause damage to the unit. To prevent this, clear debris away regularly and consider trimming any trees or plants that are especially close. Consider investing in a cover to use once you shut the AC down for the season.

3. Schedule an Inspection

You should have a professional HVAC contractor look over your equipment each season. Late summer and early fall is the perfect time to schedule an inspection because it allows them to provide preventive maintenance to your AC and prepare it for next year. They will also check your heating unit, so you know it’s working whenever you need it during the winter.


If you’re looking to schedule an inspection or another service for your HVAC equipment, contact T.M.T. Service Repairs in Savannah, GA. With 20 years of industry experience, the company provides a wide array of home services, including heating and cooling repairs, plumbing work, and interior painting. Technicians offer quick and efficient service while always treating your home with respect and care it deserves. Visit the company’s website to learn more about their services offered. To schedule an HVAC tuneup, call (912) 656-1062.
