
When you’re hungry it can be very tempting to grab the first thing in sight. At the office that might be from a bowl full of chocolates, or at home from a bag of chips left out on the counter. To keep calories in check for the whole day it is important to choose snacks that will keep you under your calorie budget.  Read below for ten snack ideas to curb hunger quick while on a weight loss diet.

10 Snack Ideas Under 150 Calories  

  1. 1 Medium Kiwi – 45 calories, 2 grams fiber
  2. 1 slice cheese with 1 medium apple – 140 calories, 6 grams protein, 4 grams fiber
  3. ¾ cup bran flakes with ½ cup skim milk – 140 calories, 5 grams fiber, 3 grams protein
  4. 2 tablespoon hummus with ½ whole wheat pita – 140 calories, 3 grams fiber, 4 grams protein
  5. 1 Cottage Cheese Doubles (Pineapple) – 130 calories, 11 grams protein
  6. 1 dill pickle spear – 5 calories
  7. 1 sugar-free jello – 10 calories
  8. 6 almonds and 1 low-fat yogurt – ~150 calories, ~ 8-12 grams protein
  9. 100- calorie popcorn bag – 3 grams fiber
  10. 2 hard boiled eggs – 150 calories, 12 grams protein

Practice reaching for one of these healthy snack options and don’t forget to keep nutritious snacks with you for unexpected, and possibly lengthy times between meals.  

For more information on healthy eating and safe weight loss programs, please visit 
