
Area rugs offer comfort, aesthetic appeal, and versatility for homeowners. They can dramatically impact the look and feel of a space without huge renovations, so when you find that perfect area rug, you want it to last. That means you need frequent rug cleaning and maintenance to keep it in optimal shape. Here are some of the top tasks you should keep in mind.

How to Properly Care for Your Area Rugs

1. Clean & Shake Regularly

Dirt, mud, and debris create stains and slowly break apart the structure of a rug’s fibers, leaving your rug looking discolored and ragged. In addition to wiping up spills quickly, it’s also important to get rid of dirt and subtle messes regularly. Run a vacuum over your rug a few times each week — do this more often if you have pets or if your rug gets a ton of foot traffic. Then shake it out periodically to remove excess dirt as well.

2. Rearrange Your Space

rug cleaningMost people walk or sit in the same spots in their home day after day. This means that your rugs probably see foot traffic in the same spots over and over again. To prevent wearing out a single path in the center of your rug while the rest of it stays relatively untouched, rotate it regularly. You can also move furniture around to prevent the fibers underneath from getting crushed.

3. Invest in Professional Rug Cleaning

Even with regular cleaning and maintenance, your rug will eventually start to look old and dingy. The best way to prolong its lifespan for as long as possible is to get help from a rug cleaning service. These professionals have high-grade tools and cleaners that are specifically designed to restore carpet and rug fibers, so they’ll lift dirt and stains that you probably cannot get to with a simple vacuum cleaner or stain remover.



If you’re looking for a professional rug cleaning company in Lancaster, Lititz, or Talmage, PA, look no further than The Rug Beater Cleaning Enterprises, Inc. The company offers a wide array of carpet cleaning and floor maintenance services, including services for carpet, rugs, hardwood, tile, upholstery, and even commercial floors. The experienced team uses state-of-the-art cleaning equipment to ensure that you get the most efficient service possible. To request an appointment, visit the company’s website or call (717) 656-9826.
